When torrential rains hit if your property is on a flood plain there may be little you can do to save your home and belongings. However when it comes to minor flooding caused by bad weather there are ways to prepare your home for a flood and prevent flood damage. Note that if floods become extreme in your area you should keep up to date with state emergency services. NSW QLD SA VIC WA NT TAS Be prepared to evacuate when an evacuation order is given or when you feel your home has become unsafe. Just like with bushfires there is a point where there is nothing you can do and you need to prioritise your personal safety. With that being said here are some important preventative maintenance measures that can keep your home or business watertight in a less severe flood. If the forecast is for heavy rain there are several things you can do to be prepared. Before A Flood Clear Roof Gutters The gutters on your roof can become blocked with leaves and other debris that will prevent water from flowing during a big storm. Clearing this debris will: Encourage water to drain from your roof the way it is supposed to Prevent insects vermin and animals from nesting in your gutters Stop excessive water flow from destroying your garden When your gutters are blocked the rain that falls from your roof will have nowhere to go. As a result it can damage your roof and in a worst-case scenario get into your walls. Clogged gutters can also cause water to run down the outside of your home and damage its foundations. This can cost a great deal of money to repair. Its best to do this job regularly even if its just to keep rats and pests at bay. If a storm is forecast clear the gutters before the rain hits so you dont find yourself trying to climb a ladder and pull out lots of soggy leaves and sticks during wet weather. Stormwater Drain Maintenance Making sure your stormwater drain is clear from debris will allow water to drain from your property and help you to prepare for a flood. To check block the drain opening on the street and spray a hose into your stormwater drain. Once it is full remove the blockage creating a rush of water that should clear debris. This assures your stormwater drain is clear and that drainage is optimised. Hopefully your property has areas of soft soil that will soak up rainfall from a storm. If there is nothing but concrete you risk there being so much water that the stormwater drain overflows and the water has nowhere to go but inside your home. Prepare Your House If you know that imminent rains may cause flooding you should prepare your house to minimise damage. As much as possible take care of the following: Move all valuables to higher shelves or upstairs (if you have a second floor) Carry what furniture you can upstairs Move linen and cushions so they are less likely to get wet Take rugs and floor mats upstairs or put them high up Move electrical items to higher shelves or upstairs Secure objects that are likely to float and cause further damage Relocate all waste poisons and chemicals to higher ground Turn off the power at the main switchboard Look around the garage and garden for items that need to be secured Make sure your pets can get to higher ground if you cant take them with you Pull out lower drawers and put them up high (or empty them) You can try putting sandbags around your property to prevent flood damage but this will depend on timing and what you have access to. Do Not Open Sewer Caps (Illegal) You may have heard of opening sewer caps during floods. This should not be done as it is illegal and ineffective. It may result in fines and potential sewerage backwash. Take Photos Your insurance company will find it easier to handle your claim if you have some before and after pictures. Speaking of which insurance may not help you to prevent flood damage but it can help you to minimise the financial impact. Talk to your insurer about what you are eligible for in terms of flood protection. Use Mould Inhibitor In Your Paint If youre painting your home consider using a mould inhibitor additive. There are even some types of paint that have this built-in. The idea is that they restrict the growth of mould and mildew in a damp environment. After A Flood Documentation Document all damages with pictures and notes to show your insurer the extent of the flood in your home and property. Water Removal If a flood causes an immense amount of water to enter your home do what you can to remove the water as fast as possible. This will assist in preventing further flood damage. A damp environment invites mould and mosquitoes. The use of a submersible pump will make this process fast. Buy or lease the best quality pump appropriate to your budget and flood level. If you are unable to purchase a submersible pump you can siphon water using a hose (the bigger the hose the better). This method uses gravity to move large amounts of water. A siphon hose is cost-effective and uses equipment you likely have in your home. Now its time for the cleanup job. Dont be afraid to ask for help from friends and family as you sweep out the dirt mop up and assess the damage caused by the flood. Wear gumboots gloves and other protective gear to save your own skin from getting damp and potentially picking up an infection. Some carpet companies have a special service to vacuum the water out of carpets and flooring. See if you can find a local operator in your area. Once the floors are dry you may wish to use a dehumidifier to remove the liquid from the air. If you dont have one a pedestal fan will at least get the air circulating. When the sun finally does come out open windows and doors to help things dry more quickly and wipe down the walls with a dry towel. You can also spray a protective anti-mould spray to prevent mould and mildew from forming. Just be careful that its not bleach disguised as a mould-removal or protection spray as this will turn everything white. Unfortunately some things will need to be thrown away. Leather goods and shoes are difficult to dry and may be ruined by water and dirt. Carpets and wooden items may also be damaged beyond repair. If packaged food has been submerged its best to throw it away just in case germs have found their way in. Keep receipts for the things you buy so you can claim them against your insurance. Flood Plan With flooding expected to recur in Australia having a flood plan is becoming as important as a bushfire plan. Speak to your family about what you will do if you are asked to evacuate and be vigilant when it comes to the drainage around your home. Finally we wish everyone affected by the recent floods a speedy recovery. Need a plumber electrician or other home service provider today? You canbook via our websiteor call us on 1300 289 309. The post How to save your home during a flood appeared first on Service Today. via Service Today https://www.servicetoday.com.au/blog/how-to-save-your-home-during-a-flood/